Monday, February 23, 2015

R3 Media

To me crowdsourcing is an interesting way of going about a project. Things such as Wikipedia and the people behind the Cloud Filmmaking prove that crowdsourcing is a way for a community of people who are passionate in their craft to get together and create a unique project. However I feel as though crowdsourcing only works if you have a large and diverse group of talented peoples.

Crowdsourcing I do not think would work if only a small group of people worked together on something. Part of the reason things like Wikipedia and Cloud Filmmaking succeeded so well was because they had a huge number of people participating and backing the projects. If there are a lot of contributors working to contribute toward a common goal, then the project will flourish. If the intended crowdsourcing project only has a few people contributing to the goal then the project will come across as bland and maybe even unoriginal. Although having a lot of talented individuals collaborating together could result in an extraordinary product, working with a large amount of people could possibly result in a loss of a sense of direction and the product may turn out different or worse than you expected.

Crowdsourcing is an ambitious thing to tackle. It would require strict guidelines and dedicated people who all want to achieve the same goal. If one does properly go about a crowdsourcing project then I believe the outcome is likely to be something fantastic.

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